I want to ask all the people, not just voters, how are you doing as residents in Jeffco.
With regard to democracy, it is worth noting that in the United States, we are considered a “flawed democracy” by the Economist Intelligence Unit and only rated 29th on the list they compile: https://www.eiu.com/n/campaigns/democracy-index-2023/
You can download their free report and see for yourself. All the top 10 democracies worldwide employ a version of Proportional Representation and/or Single Transferable Vote. Why could we not be the best democracy in the world?
Jeffco has the opportunity in a few weeks to elect a Commissioner on the County Board, who will attempt to implement this *new system*. I would need the support of another commissioner to call for a ballot initiative to have Home Rule for Jefferson County. Or you all as residents could call for the same voter ballot initiative (and have direct democracy) with 23,000 voter signatures in the County, or 5% or the last count by the Clerk.
The system is not that new actually and is used in 94 countries to increase their overall happiness.
Through the course of the campaign, I have been reminded that the 2-party, or cartel parties, system and affiliates actively work to exclude minor parties, and minority voices. Part of the exclusion based on pragmatic concerns: “we just don’t have the time“.
Another area of exclusion is on Metro District Boards. Developers don’t want residents initially or perhaps ever on their boards, because self-determining people would never authorize the outrageous debt that these districts allow – usually not long after their inception and approval by counties and municipalities. Please see https://metrodistrictreform.org/ for more information on this rather dark and hidden aspect of our government. Yes, Metro Districts are governments?! And they have the power to mislead and tax you at the same time.
I am reminded of a thought by a happiness writer: “Will this be anything I will care about when I am 90?” My Grandmother is 98. My mother-in-law is 88. I should ask them if they care about Metro Districts or Proportional Representation.
I will get 2 minutes of time next week to speak to the Seniors represented by the Jeffco Council on Aging. A lot of other candidates and for other offices will be there. I had to fight my way into be included. It is my intention to fight for EVERY Jeffco resident to be included, by being represented (politically) by their Commissioner.
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