It’s the final days of the campaign season and I think we’re all feeling it.
A lot of signs dot neighborhoods, fences, lawns and open spaces. A lot of them are in public right-of-way, and thus should not be there. If you see any of my signs, please let me know. You won’t.
The Jeffco Commissioner front-runner, Rachel Zenzinger, has many signs and larger signs up in only – from what I can tell – authorized private property areas. A campaign manager for many of the Democrats races indeed confirmed that and that Rachel needed little to no help managing her own campaign – fundraising, volunteers, sign placement, etc.
My boys like pointing out the signs and we have a little chuckle*. As a winner-take-all system (of First-Past-the-Post) that’s all we can do. It reminds me of the Johnny Cash song “One Piece at Time” – particularly the line:
Every day I’d watch them beauties roll by
And sometimes I’d hang my head and cry
‘Cause I always wanted me one that was long and black.
I would like to garner 2 plus % of the three-hundred fifty some-odd-thousand voters as it would show that I achieved incremental gains and ran on some of the right ideas for once. Perhaps I too can assemble a Cadillac of a winning election one piece at a time.
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