Tag: Metro District Reform
Home Stretch before Ballots next week
So ballots go out 22 days before the election. That is next Monday, the 14th of October. You will see a lot of on that ballot regarding measures, initiatives, candidates, of course. Perhaps not enough viable choices for third-party or minor party candidates here in Colorado, or even just Jeffco by itself. Like I have…
How are you doing Jeffco?
I want to ask all the people, not just voters, how are you doing as residents in Jeffco. With regard to democracy, it is worth noting that in the United States, we are considered a “flawed democracy” by the Economist Intelligence Unit and only rated 29th on the list they compile: https://www.eiu.com/n/campaigns/democracy-index-2023/ You can download…
Hello Jeffco!
We have a new site for our campaign and appropriately named for the Jefferson County Commissioner race. If you would like to donate please see unityparty.us/donatenow/ The same rules apply that are listed at unityparty.us Recent news from the campaign trail is that after some convincing by my fellow Candidate, Natalie Menten, The Jeffco Council…